Streaming Intelligence: Full White Paper Available

No one doubts that delivering a successful streaming video service involves facing some tough trade-offs. How does a service operator ensure that they can meet evolving challenges with focused tools that address key business issues? This is the fundamental case for going beyond video analytics to the new realm of streaming intelligence.
Our three part blog intelligence platform introductory series is now edited together with additional material in a complete white paper that covers all aspects of the drive towards offering effective streaming intelligence.
In our new white paper we argue that effective streaming intelligence fundamentally rests on key pillars of:
Comprehensive, trusted session measurement (including objective video quality).
Scalable platform integration.
Best-in-class tool availability.
Technology has advanced significantly since the earliest analytics vendors brought their products to market. The cloud has contributed, for example, a relaxation of constraints on storage and compute resources, as well an especially rich set of options in advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Many pre-built, value-adding services are now available to integrate with data repositories and help underpin an operator’s success.
The leverage of an improved data baseline vaults the basic approach of video analytics to something that goes beyond mere measurement and takes us closer to a per-session, per-device understanding of how to balance cost and quality in a way that becomes significant to both the consumer and the business.